Childcare Facilities:

Understanding the intricacies is fundamental

Childcare Facilities:

Understanding the intricacies is fundamental

The design and engineering of childcare facilities requires a different approach to many other commercial projects, because the health and wellbeing of people is the primary focus.

These factors mean that facilities must have high levels of quality and functionality and each project is subject to often complex planning and permit controls and procedures.

We have practical knowledge of the issues and can not only help you pave a way through the planning process but also provide design solutions that can enable your project to proceed efficiently and cost-effectively.

Childcare Facilities:

Childcare Facilities:

Through our experience on a range of projects, we have a deep working knowledge of the considerations that must go into the planning, design and engineering of facilities such as childcare, rehabilitation and medical centres, including quality controls, health and safety regulations

and the need for a high degree of functionality in terms of people flow and accommodation.

Avant-Garde Childcare Centre and Medical Suites:

This project on a small site called for a two-storey building to house a 150-capacity childcare centre and five medical suites, plus outside play areas and adequate car parking. We achieved our client’s aims through proficient arrangement of the building areas and space-saving innovations such as car stackers.

We have practical knowledge of planning issues and can not only help you pave a way through the process but also provide design solutions that can enable your project to proceed efficiently and cost-effectively.
Stavros Rekaris

Get In Touch:

For more information please contact us directly or complete and submit this form and we’ll get back to you shortly.

Stavros Rekaris:
0412 108 586